Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wipe Out
The day started out great. Daisyhead Maisy turns 6 today, so even before breakfast I got to watch her open three fairy-related presents. (Thank God Fairies are the new Barbie.)
Then, off to cycling class.
Saturday workouts on our trainers are always harder than the Monday/Wednesday night ones, and you know if we are taking an extra day off (New Year's Eve) then things will be even harder. I'm not sure if it is that or if maybe we've just reached a new level. You know, when you look back at those workouts from the first week of December and we only rode in the big chain ring for short intervals. Now, we ride in the big chain ring for all but the first 5 and last 5 minutes of the workout.
Anyway, on the run, I was feeling particularly emotional. Not sure why. But if I was feeling it, anger, or sorry for myself, or it was just a song that reminded me of this time last year... it didn't matter. Seemed like whenever I took a deep breath I was ready to cry. Then I noticed that actually the emotions were triggering my asthma. That's a new one for me. So I stopped running and walked until my breathing calmed down. I thought I was going to have a full blown asthma attack for only the third time in my 33 years.
I still don't know why I was feeling like that but I guess everyone has their days. And although I did notice an increase in the intesity of the workout, I certainly didn't feel like I was being pushed to my limits. I got to running again, and noted the sigh of relief point (when I have only 1/2 a mile left of my 4 mile run.) I was distracted in my thoughts though I don't know what I was thinking about.
The next thing I know, I'm falling to the ground at warp speed, with not even enough time to put my hands out to catch myself. The sidewalk had worked itself up in a kink on one side and caught my shoe. My knees hit the ground first, and then the palms of my hands. The pain was hard, I felt like I'd high fived a cement wall that was speeding toward me. SMACK! The blood started dripping down my knees and my hands. And I'm ashamed to say crying again. After looking to make sure noone witnessed my fall, I turned onto a sidestreet to finish my run. And for the first time in a while, I felt like I'd hit the wall and gone through it. I wasn't tired at all of running, but I was exhausted. I felt like I could run forever, like I didn't want to stop. But then, I was back at my car.
I was supposed to stop and buy a present for Daisyhead Maisy's birthday and balloons for the party. I couldn't forget the balloons.... but I just went straight home to my family and took a shower instead. And once I got the dried blood off and the water ran clear, I felt much better.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Dada Paints the Sky
Like each and every time we see a beautiful sunset he asks, "did Dada paint the sky?" And, it is true, the skies we see look like Dada's paintings. "Did Dada paint the tree he asks?"
And when we wake up in the morning and the sun is up and it is no longer dark, he says, "It's WORKING!" Amazed everyday that the sun comes up.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Why Do Kids Have to Watch T.V. at School?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Test
Sometimes when you are scared of something or scared of failing, you actually can make it worse for yourself. I'd been trying to keep my mind off of the upcoming 1 mile fitness test that would gauge our fitness and help our coaches come up with an intensity plan for our workouts. It turns out by trying to keep my mind off of it and trying not to stress myself I subconsiously was still worrying and found a few ways to make things harder on myself.
For example, maybe I shouldn't have run 4 miles at the Vita course and then walked a fifth when when 15 hours later i'd be trying to get my PR for my mile. And then, eventhough I knew the running test was that morning, I still ate breakfast, which I don't normally like to do before running workouts.
Anyway, my 1 mile PR was 11.05, quite a bit off of the 10.21 from earlier this year. It still sucks to be last (always). But at least I've got nowhere to go but up.
Nancy Toby posted this really great running calculator on her blog. I put in 37.50 as my PR for a 5K (at the end of a sprint triathlon) and it gave me a cute little chart that I'm still trying to figure out.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Redfish Funny
Please stop reading now if you are offended by potty humor. This is NOT triathlon related!!!
Redfish did something this morning that just made me crack up...and I certainly want to record it forever so anytime I need a laugh I can refer back here....or use it to embarrass him at his wedding. Just Kidding!
Anyway, to set the stage I should probably tell you the background. And bare with because this will be a long one., but if you hang in, it will be worth the read.
Redfish is starting to be aware of his body. He's realized he can control when he pees. So much so, that for several weeks he was holding it in, because he didn't want to go in the diaper and he didn't want to go in the potty either. He held it so long in fact that when he could finally hold it no longer and tried to go he couldn't. He was in so much pain and we were so concerned that we took him to the best urologist in town. The night before the urologist visit, he had a "spell" where he was in so much pain I paged the pediatrician on call and almost took him to the ER. We didn't know what was wrong with him at that point. He didn't have a urinary tract infection. He didn't have a yeast infection. We were starting to wonder if something was really, really wrong internally.
The urologist did an ultrasound with a full bladder. He said things looked good. Then, I waited in the waiting room for 3 hours until Redfish could hold his pee no longer. He peed so much, his diaper couldn't hold it all. So after cleaning up the waiting room, we did an ultrasound with an empty bladder. Everything looked great the doctor said. He said sometimes precocious little boys do this when they realize they have control and that the problem arises when they try to pee and their bladder is so full they get an erection and then they can't pee no matter how hard they try.
Needless to say, we've been encouraging of Redfish's peeing. And when he finally started to go in the potty, we cheered, we jumped up and down, we had family cheers, basically everything short of doing a cartwheel. Right now his three "rewards" for going in the potty are: mama and dad jumping up and down, getting to flush the toilet, and getting a Wiggles sticker.
That's the background. Now for the story.
We were sitting at the breakfast table this morning and Redfish said, "Mama, Redfish farted."
"OK, honey, say excuse me," I say.
"Please jump around Mama!" says Redfish.
Daisyhead Maisy slaps her hand to her forehead and rolls her eyes.
I try my best, but I can't help but laugh.
"Redfish funny!" he says.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Off Season Triathlonmom is Cranky
Regardless, I think it is fine that I took a break. My toe is almost healed. My Christmas shopping is basically done. And my family is going to be totally happy to have their old mom back. I think they are getting tired of the cranky, impatient, fidgety, short-tempered mom that replaced the more well-rounded one that is TriGirl Mom.
Which reminds me. Mr. Preschool says that when I come home from my swim workout, I am always peaceful, docile, patient, and calm. Traits not usually exhibited by me. I guess having an hour or 90 minutes stuck in your head or staring at a black line on the bottom of the pool can be a good thing! A sort of forced meditation. Otherwise I'm not able to force myself to sit down and do it. OK, I am multitasking meditation.....shhh don't tell anyone. I don't think that is allowed.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Richmond Marathon 2006
I picked up the race at Granite and Cary Street road, passing the police cars and several very slow marathoners who had to walk/walk run with a cop car nipping at there heels. I really related to them....Felt like that would surely be me at least at some point of the race if I was running it. Running makes you loopy. Had fun chatting with the "Big Chafe" Team. Mostly rode the breaks for 12 painfully congested miles.
Caught up with Sharon and Mary, Anna and Kate T., then Lynn, Kate O. and lastly the speedy Carmen. I never did catch Grandison. I spent way too much time riding my breaks.
I was extraordiarily careful of the runners. But, it was so congested I wouldn't suggest riding the marathon course as a cheerleader to anyone else. In fact, I saw several clueless bikers who were impeding runners and being careless.
I did had a blast cheering folks on while passing them...something i don't often get to do.
And, I am in awe of all of all the runners out there. Especially the first timers.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Race Schedule for 2007
March 31st, 2007 Monument Avenue 10K
Saturday, April (3rd week?) Kinetic Quarter, Date to be determined, Lake Anna, VA
June 10, 2007 EaglemanTriathlon, Cambridge, Md
September 16, 2007 (tentative date) Sandman Triathlon, Virginia Beach, VA
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Getting Back in the Saddle
I convinced Redfish that he wanted to go for a ride in the stroller (no small feat) , when he changed his mind and decided we needed to go to the park instead.
Compromise: run to the park (2 miles) run back (2 miles). I like this. My toe didn't even hurt while I was running, only when I stopped.
He was happy (mostly) I was happy (mostly). But I did have to give up my ipod to him for the run home. I've decided this can be a new ritual.
Too bad I was still feeling it this morning when I tried to go out for run number two (3 miles). It was light out, thanks to a recent daylight saving grace. But it was also cold, incredibly windy, and raining.
I was ever so greatful that when I started to run, I looked up and snowing upon me were thousands of the most beautiful fall leaves you can imagine. I couldn't figure where they all could have come from, because when I looked up, I saw the dawning of the morning sky, not trees at all. It was one of the most joyful feelings to run in a snow of never ending leaves raining down from the sky.
The running part sucked though. My toe started hurting this morning as soon as I put on my shoe. Later my ankle sort of cramped up. Since the regular season is over, the only chiquitas who showed up were marathoners or half-marathoners. Need I say it sucks to get passed on a one mile track when you are only running 3 miles. And then they switched directions and passed me again! They were as gracious about it as they could be.
And I continued to amuse myself with natures follies. Running faster when the headwinds came on strong. And loving it when the rain blew directly into my wide open, panting mouth. And standing in amazement as I ran into one of Mr. Preschool's paintings of birds attached to the wind.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Oh My Toe
Friday, I thought I broke my toe. Turns out I didn't but I'm still not sure if I believe them, since the pain is worse than the last and only time I broke another bone in my body. My pinky toe is black and blue in a circular fashion with a bright red line up the top/side area.
I won't be running this week. I'm having trouble walking even without a limp. Shoes make it worse.
Don't even ask me how I did it! I was opening the front door. My foot stayed in one place and my pinky kept going with the door.
At least I got the timing right. I should have plenty of time to heal before we start training for Eagleman at the begining of December.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The Off Season
Speaking of running, that has been going really well. I've actually been getting up 15 minutes earlier so I could add a mile to my run. I've been running 2-3 times a week, and taking fewer and fewer breaks. Much of the progress is due to newfound old workout partner who took last season off, but now is back full throttle. We alway rode together in the past, but I could never run with her because I took too many walk breaks. Now, with a little patience on her part, I'm actually RUNNING with her. Great.
I joke that she is my new personal trainer, which of course she isn't but her influence over my running has been strong enough to earn the nickname. Actually ran a mile with no walk break at all, except for the 3 seconds it took for her to give me that, "what are you doing stopping?" look and for me to start running again. I guess I'm an optimist because I was hoping that I'd be alble to beat my PR of 10.21 with that loop...but guess again. I'm a faster runner when I walk part of the way. I guess I just need to focus on one thing at a time -- first running without stopping, then speed.
Running at this time of year is beautiful, even if it is at 5:45 a.m. It was cold. And pitch black except for some moonlight. Running in the moonlight kinda' sorta' rocks. I can't wait to do it again. The only problem is in the shaddows of the trees, you can't see jack. I came within millimeters of actually running into someone coming the opposite way. Good thing I run slow, it gave us both just enough time to dodge and giggle at the absurdity of it all. But with the marathon coming up in just a few weeks, it just make sense. You've got to get your training in somehow. I didn't realize until moving the workout time up by 15 minutes that actually there is a whole set of runners that finishes at 6 a.m., which is how I used to be able to get such a great parking space at 6 and now, I park much farther away.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Team RaceAthlete
Thank goodness it is the off season. I actually had time to complete my Team RaceAthlete application. What a great opportunity they are providing. I can't wait to see how it goes. What a great idea!
OK here it is....let me know what you think.
It all started about 4 years ago. My daughter was 2, and I was having trouble adjusting to motherhood and the sacrifices it takes – I was making too many and not doing anything for myself. A friend was starting all-women, all-mom triathlon team. Hmmmm…. sounded interesting. But, technically I was "severely obese." This would not be easy. I had been walking 3 miles daily, even running some of it, in an effort to get the weight off, but it wasn't working. It wasn’t just baby fat. I’d been obese since I was 5, and over the prior 25 years I’d tried everything to gain control over my weight, with mixed results. After 3 weeks of pondering whether I could really complete a sprint triathlon, I was in. It was difficult being the fattest person at each workout, but at least I was surrounded by moms and they were supportive.
After I finished my first race, I knew I was hooked. I took a year off to have another child and here I am, 2 years later with another 2 year old, about to take on the biggest challenge of my life -- training for Eagleman Ironman 70.3.
As we all know, life is about balance and priorities. And sometimes you just have to find a way to make something happen if it is your dream. I guess that is why they always say, signing up is the hardest part. Now, I've made the commitment.
And when you have a dream, excuses seem to melt away -- none being able to stand hard and fast as a dream-stopper. Not money. Not time. And definitely not the remaining 65 pounds of extra weight I still carry around.
Can you justify spending $3,500 a year on triathlons? It would be easy to spend that much. But when $3,500 is your year's salary of working -- Saturdays and Sundays before or after workouts and you've got a family to help support, it just isn't possible.
So, what do you do? You share a bike with your husband (and socks, and shorts, and arm warmers...need I go on?) You barter your services as a team leader on a women's triathlon team, so you can afford to have a pool to swim in and a team to train with. And, you pick and choose your races. Sometimes, just volunteering and watching your teammates and the triathlon virgins cross the finish line is enough to fuel your race need.
And when the kids scream, "Mama, don't go! Don't leave!" when you accidentally wake them up on your way out the door to a 6 a.m. workout, you walk out that door anyway, because you remember this isn't just for you. This is for them too. You are setting an example.
You know, teachers always talk about how important it is to inspire a love of reading and a love of books in your children, but they never talk about the importance of inspiring a love of exercise or participating in a sport you love, which can be equally important. You know it is worth all the sacrifice when they want to go running with you. Or they want to participate in a kid’s marathon. Or, it might just be the way your 2 year-old stomps around the house, getting louder and louder screaming “swim, bike, run… swim, bike run! SWIM, BIKE RUN!" that makes it all worth while.
Or, you might realize it when you have just finished one of your best races and your 5-year-old asks, "Mama, did you win?" And you kinda' sorta' have to answer, "Yes!"
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Payoff of Wearing Workout Clothes All Day
But, yesterday, I didn't have time for a shower after my morning run. I stayed in my lycra bike style running shorts and my Ryka IronGirl performance tee all day. It was embarrasing how many people came up to me to tell me how great I looked, how much smaller I looked. In my stinky, old running clothes! They all wanted to know what race I was training for, how hard I'd been working out.
I'll have to try that one more often. It's like people think you only work out if they can see you in your grungies! My badge of courage, I'll have to remember that one next time I want some attention and encouragement.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Why Would You Want to Do That?
1. I feel great when i work out, the harder the races I do the more accomplished and self-confident I feel.
2. I Like experiencing new things. Taking risks is VERY hard for me. This is one way I've managed to convince myself to take risks. It is truly living life full and strong. You always feel so alive when you train and compete. And you ALWAYS have a story to tell.
3. I have fallen in love with the sport, but also with the people in the sport. There is something special about a triathlete....especially a long-distance triathlete. I like the team-family atmosphere and find it a great venue to make friends. I am my best self when I am training hard. Racing reminds me why I have been inspired. I love the culture, the feeling like I'm part of a group, the bringing up others, big brother aspect of the sport. I love being seen as a leader and looked up to by beginner triathletes (TriGirls) which is something I don't get very often. It is an image of me that I like, and can see more clearly despite what strangers and casual acquaintances may think of me based on my appearance.
4. I have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. No, really, since I was 3 or 4 years old. I want to be fit. I want to be healthy. I want to loose weight, and I know that right now this maybe the only way I can succeed at doing it. If not, at least I'll be fit and healthy(ier). My coach was telling me how athletes who workout and train (regardless of their weight or BMI) are so much healthier than skinny folks who don't.
5. Because I can, and so many people can't.
6. Because I want to set a great example for my kids and husband. No example was set for me. Ever.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Today we ran one mile repeats. My watch alarm didn't go off, so I slept a little late. Ran a one mile warm up,l then did one mile repeats.
First mile: 10:49
Second mile: 10:31 ([pretty close to my PR of 10:20)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
SandmanTriathlon, Virginia Beach -- The Race
While the night could not have been worse, the morning could not have been better. We broke our vow not to make Redfish sleep anywhere but his crib at home, and we paid for it. I decided after IronGirl to tough it out and bring the kids to the race because I missed them so much, and it was such an empty feeling to cross the finish line at IronGirl and have no one there for me.
The price we paid was that I didn't get any sleep the night before the race. Redfish stayed up until 9:30 p.m. or so (instead of 7 p.m., his normal bedtime) and then was up every hour after. That is, until 3:30 p.m. when he gave up sleeping altogether and woke up the neighbors too. When my alarm went off at 5:40 a.m. I was already awake. Redfish was asleep in bed next to me. Something we've NEVER done, but we were desperate.
A friend of Mr. Preschool was letting us stay in his condo, about 1.5 miles from the race. To avoid having to find parking by the oceanfront, I decided to ride my bike to the race. My running shoes, my flip flops, my wetsuit, my towel, Gatorade, water, breakfast, hat and all of my other junk for the race was in the backpack on my back. I rode 3 blocks down to the boardwalk in the dark. Then, I rode along the ocean, listing to the waves and the silence. I rode by the oceanfront carousel that we had let the kids stay up late to ride on the night before. I looked to my right and I could see just a hint of Redish pink coming up where the sun would be in 20 minutes. It was breathtakingly beautiful and I knew right then that regardless of the race I had, It would be a good one.
I got to the transition area very early. I wanted to have time to go down by the ocean and think before the race. It was a gorgeous day -- cool and crisp. I racked my bike in the best spot, which also meant being the only female in the front half of the transition area. I set up my transition and walked down to the beach with my ipod.
Next thing I knew, they were closing the transition area. I still had to go back in, get on my wetsuit and leave my glasses. I had to pee so bad, but I skipped the port-o-john and RAN. I grabbed my wetsuit and frantically tried to pull it on.
"All athletes must leave the transition area now!" they kept saying on the bullhorn. Let me just say that Adrenalin does NOT help you get on a wetsuit. I was freaking out. This really nice guy came over and told me to put a sock on and that would help me get my foot through the hole. I was already sandy, so this really helped. But when I mentioned that now I had a sandy sock he said, "You'll be running so fast you won't even notice it." At least it made me smile when he said that, even if it was just to laugh at the thought.
My plan was to get the wetsuit halfway up and then walk the 1,100 meters down the beach to where they had already started the swim. I struggled some more with racing to put on my wetsuit. Cursed my belly and my butt for making it all so hard, and hustled out of the transition area. I left my glasses in my helmet and put on my foggy goggles (yes, I know this is not a great look) .
Mr. Preschool was outside waiting with the kids. Not exactly great timing, but still I was happy to see them. That same nice sock guy came up and handed me 2 cups of water.
"Here, take this, it's a long walk, you're gonna need this water, take your time."
Damn, more water, just what I needed. I had to pee bad. For half a second I thought about trying to pee in my wetsuit and decided, I just couldn't. I walked down the boardwalk to the swim. It was a long, long walk. And finally I saw it. The exact same public restroom that I had tried to fix my contact in. It was surreal.
"HEY, hey you. Don't you get it?
You are still here.
You are still in the same place.
You are still freaking out...Aren't you here to bury the demons....
To show yourself that when push comes to shove, you can make this happen.
You can take a deep breath, and make a little magic -- take a little leap and shine."
I walked down to the beach and heard the air horn. The third wave was starting. It was chaotic, lots of people running into the waves at the same time and then the lifeguards would go in and start pulling people out. They were pulling out skinny fast runner types and they were pulling out Clydesdale men types. It didn't seem to matter. All sorts of folks were going out and coming back in. I guard told me that they expected to pull out or save about 50 people during the race and when the red flags went up on the lifeguard stand (baning recreational swimmers), I wasn't surprised.
I found my friend Roseanne and her friend Cabell and they helped me slip the top half of my wetsuit on. I knew that swimming in a wetsuit for the first time during a race was a risky, stupid thing to do, but I figured at this point, having come full circle yet again, that I'd adjust and be fine.
And moments later it was my turn. The air horn blew and we were all rushing into the water. The wetsuit was especially tight around my neck, which was uncomfortable, but it was my arms not being able to fully extend that caused me more trouble. Despite that, I realized for the first time that this was really the race for me. The lifeguards came in behind us and starting pulling people out. But, somehow that made me feel more comfortable. I knew they were there if I needed them. And I was excelling in a difficult situation, trying something hard and trying something new.
I love the ocean. When I swim in it, there is a feeling I can't describe that comes to me. I feel like I'm drifting through life, being pulled by my own force. I feel like for one of the only times in my life I am able to let go and drift whatever way the water wills me, but at the same time, maintain complete control. And one of the most absurd things happens, because I have the hugest respect for the water and the havoc it can create. Despite the ocean being incredibly rough, I felt safe.
After passing the four buoys, I tried to ride a wave in, but they just weren't the riding sort of waves. They were just too big, and too confused. I started taking off my wetsuit in the water (bad idea) and got stuck with one arm in and one arm out with my elbow bent, I felt like a bird with a broken wing. I saw Mr. Preschool and thought of asking him to help me. Despite the absurdity of it, the "assistance" penalty crossed my mind and I decided not to ask for help. Mr. Preschool told me that I was only the 2nd Athena out of the water so I better book it (this later turned out not to be true).
I pulled off the wetsuit, grabbed my glasses with a sigh of relief and run with my bike to mount it. There was a huge cluster of folks mounting their bike on the sidewalk! What. What are they doing? Crazy. I pushed my bike off the sidewalk to the street and walked down a few steps and then mounted it. (Mr. Preschool told me that seconds later he saw a biker run over a pedestrian and badly cut his foot, ruining his race.)
The bike was pretty uneventful. Headwinds all the way out. Crosswinds whenever we got near the water. And the wind pushed us all the way home. The course was mostly closed to vehicle traffic (a first for me) , which was a huge relief. At each intersection, there were soldiers from the national guard. I passed many, many folks on the bike and was passed by many men, but only 2 women.
I started the run, and as always the first mile was hard. Okay, the entire thing was hard, but thr first mile sucked more. The good news is that for the first race ever I was able to run according to my predetermined plan. I ran for 3 minutes and then walked for 1 (or 30 seconds depending on how good I felt.) It felt really good to be true to my commitment to run. My run time wasn't that much different, In face it was 20 seconds slower than my PR. But the fact that I ran when I said I was going to run meant alot to me.
I conquered my demons. I finished strong. I had fun. There is no doubt you are living life when you race. Something about triathlons just makes you feel so alive.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sandman Race Background
Our old team, Triathlonmoms, drove down to Virginia Beach with our swim coach, Matt Kredich, and we practiced that ocean swim. It felt really great, I felt confident, but afterwords, when I stoped by the public restrooms on the way back up from the swim I realized something was wrong. My eyes were so dry. I had stopped wearing contacts because of the dryness and the pain. And now my eye was so dry that the lense was adhered to the lense on my iris.
This is the sort of thing that throws my life out of whack. My neuroticism seeps in and I feel like my life is spining out of control. These were the feelings that had slipped away as I began to train. The part of my life that went away (for the most part) when I found triathlons, and hell no I didn't want it back.
"Too many variables...
worry..... new town.
Someone else driving the car in a strange city...
Is Daisyhead Maisy Okay? What is she doing?....
Is she missing me.....
I can't get this damn thing out of my eye, It's stuck.....has that ever happened to you?
....... I don't know any doctors in Virginia Beach.....
What if I can't get it out?
If I drive back to Richmond and see the doctor, will they know what to do?
...This is going to be Okay, RIGHT?"
And so with this story, it is not so much the end result of me having to basically tear the thing out of my eye back at the doctor's office with the doctor just sort of looking at me in disbelief that is important. It is that I left my comfort zone. I though I was doing great. Something went wrong and it could have been anything.... a flat tire, a rip current, a jelly fish sting, or a stupid contact...but I couldn't handle it. I was too far gone.
When the situation was resolved and I had calmed down, I looked forward to the Sandman as the true test. The time that I could prove to myself that under pressure, on raceday I could make it all come together, contacts or not. That I could face my demons and overcome them. And whether I got a flat tire, forgot my shoes, or got a shark bite for that matter, I would overcome it. I would complete my race and maintain controll of my demons.
So, a few weeks later when the hurricane swept through Virginia Beach causing flooding, downed trees, power outages and more mayhem, the Sandman was postponed. And although I seriously considered it, I couldn't miss my cousin Scott's wedding, on the day Sandman was rescheduled for. I hadn't seen Scott in 20 years, and I needed to see him.
The next year I was pregnant with Grayfish.
And then the next year, Mr. Preschool had committed to an artshow the same day.
Flash forward to this year. I signed up for IronGirl, and decided this was the year to prove to myself that I could conquer the Sandman despite there being only 3 weeks between the two races.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sandman Results Today, Race Report Tomorrow
The weather today was scattered clouds, 72 degrees F, 76% humidity, wind NNW 14 mph.
There were 14 finishers in Athena U40. 16 Overall.
I came in 6th place in my division.
My time was 1:57:53.80.
My Swim time was 24:02.45, division place 4
My Bike time was 50:42.35, division place 5, Speed 16.5mph.
My 5K time was 38:09.90, Run Pace 12:18 min/mile
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Redfish Turns 2!
I told him it was his birthday and he said, "cake!" When we gave him cake, he asked where his present was. Well trained boy.
Temper tantrums started in earnest today too. Funny how that works.
3 days until Sandman. Pack bags tomorrow....for the whole family.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Dear Wil,
Last night I dreamt I was racing an Ironman. Something that I've never dreamt before. Actually, something I don't think could have ever entered my world of possiblilities before. Thank you.
Now, we will wait to hear your story.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Iron Wil
OK. I know she's strong. She's trained. She's trained in the rain. She's got rockin' good vibes from well over 100 of her closest blogging friends. So, I guess what I'm thinking is how alone I'd feel. And how I'd be worried about me, if that was me. Iron Wil is always the one who inspires me, gets me back on track. Reminds me of why I'm doing this.
What I want to know is how do you stay so focused on your race and stay so in the moment that you can still remember? I guess you just do. Maybe Wil can tell us when she gets back.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Playing Possum
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
What, No Peelers?
And the problem with some of my triathlon knowledge is that it it comes from Ironman bloggers. I've just been informed that at the Sandman, there will be no assistance getting the damn thing off when I'm sandy and wet. No peelers, honey, that's just for Ironman races.
I'm not sure whether I should hope the water is warm so I don't have to wear the thing or if I should just hope the run to T1 isn't too long since running in the wetsuit won't really be a run due to the wetsuit's stiffness.
Regardless, I'm just happy I didn't have to pay $400 for the thing. Thanks to the Richmond Tri Club and 3Sports, Tri Club members can rent one for $25.
And then never have to see it agian.
Monday, August 28, 2006
IronGirl Race Report Aug. 27, 2006

Getting Results....
I came in 24th out of 40 Athena athletes under 40.
Overall, I came in 918 out of over 1,850 women competing.
I was 11th out of 40 Athenas in the swim, with a time of 20:00
T1 20 3:41
I was 25th out of 40 Athenas on the bike with a time of 1:12:23 14.5 (mph average, but on a very tough course, even the top Athena placers averaged 15-17 mph)
T2 34 2:51
33 place out of 40 Athenas on the run with a time of 45:49 !!!! (OUCH!) 13:53 per mile
Total time was 2:24:41
Getting Results....
I came in 24th out of 40 Athena athletes under 40. (although this may change in my favor since swimers 1-2 have either no swim time or an impossible time, under 2 minutes.)
Overall, I came in 918 out of over 1,850 women competing.
I was 11th out of 40 Athenas in the swim, with a time of 20:00
T1 20 3:41
I was 25th out of 40 Athenas on the bike with a time of 1:12:23 14.5 (mph average, but on a very tough course, even the top Athena placers averaged 15-17 mph)
T2 34 2:51
33 place out of 40 Athenas on the run with a time of 45:49 !!!! (OUCH!) 13:53 per mile
Total time was 2:24:41
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Update on IronGirl Start Times
WOMEN: 20-24, Athena
The Countdown
I've really enjoyed my training. I feel like i'm as ready as I'll ever be. Saturday we rode 20 at Westcreek and ran 2. Sunday I did the ACAC/Richmond Tri Winterpock hill to build back my confidence after that tough Naylor's ride. The Winterpock hill is about a 300 foot climb over maybe 2 miles. The IronGirl climb from what I can tell will be tougher. 500 feet up, broken into a 200 foot climb and then a 300 foot climb. Maybe I should have done it twice, back to back.
I'm not sure if this is common, but I keep wavering between wanting to just finish the race and feeling like there is some small hope that I'll place in Athena. This is the first race I've done with an Athena catagory, so I'm not really sure what the competition will be.
After looking at IronWil's body stats, and realizing that this superfit and major muscle chic could qualify for Athena (despite the fact that she is 5' 5 1/2) if she just ate a box of doughnuts, (she is 2 pounds to light to make the 150 lb Athena category) I'm not so sure.
Regardless, my goal is to take it one event at a time. To feel strong and confident and enjoy the race.
Mr. Preschool let me change his flat yesterday, as a refresher, so I should be ready for any flat I might get. With 1600 women racing, and Vigo as the race director, it is sure to be an inspiring, fun event regardless of my results.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Naylor's Beach
Friday, August 04, 2006
We're Going Where?
Tomorrow is the practice Naylor's Beach open water swim and bike. I'm nervous about the bike, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Reward when I get back Richmond Tri Club picnic, free beer, more open water swims, wait, i'm taking the kids, this won't be relaxing at all. Have a kid leash I can borrow?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Race Report 3Sports Triathlon, Birthday race
Perfect weather for race day. It rained. But, I'm not kidding, it was great. It was about 80 degrees during the race which was super, for July 23rd. We were all wet anyway right?
Highlights were an overall personal record. PR on the bike, barely, PR on the run, barely. Here are the stats.
16th place out of 25 women age 30-34.
6th place swim: 5:43
T1 12 2:43
9th place bike 38:55
23 2:31 T2
23 place run 37:50
Total time 1:27:40
Kate ran in with me, as the announce sang a little happy birthday song, that was fun.
The other highlight was getting to hear Redfish sing Happy Birthday for the first time ever.
As Redfish keeps saying, "Happy (Birthday) Mama"
Saturday, July 15, 2006
40 Miles on the Bumble Bee
A week from tomorrow is my next race, the Shady Grove 3 Sports Triathlon. I'm ready. The main goal really for this race is to improve my time from the last race and break 35 minures on the 5K. The training is done. Either I'll do it or I won't.
Today we biked 40 miles. That is a new distance record for me. I have to say, It felt kind of rough getting off the bike. Sort of like when you've been on a ship for a week and then you try to walk on land. My legs didn't quite know what to do once they stopped going in circles. The workout took just over 2 hours. We averaged about 17 mph.
I'll have to get a photo up soon, but since all the cool triathlon chics name their bikes, I decided of course I had to name ours too. The bumble bee. May it buzz me up some hills!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Summer is Here
Today is Daisyhead Maisy's first day with no school. Change is in store for all of us. I'm used to droping her off at school and then running a few miles on the way to the pool with Redfish. Now, I'll have to get all my workouts in without kids, since I 86ed the double jogger (I can only deal with two whiney voices at a time when I'm running, mine and one kid.)
Daisyhead was such a mess yesterday. She couldn't stop obsessing over a plastic gem she had glued to her cubby and wouldn't come home until we dislodged it from what seemed like crazy glue. When we got home she went to her room and played with it for several hours. She came out complaining that she had a headache from concentraiting too hard on playing. Transitions have always been especially hard for her and leaving Pre-K is a big tranistion. Saying good-bye is always tough, but more so when you are 5. Her best friend from class won't be coming back to her school again, so I think she was really sad about that.
Saturday is a big workout day for us. Deposit day. Pay now, or pay later. 24 miles (mine will be reinforced with extra hills) and then run 3. Sunday we'll run 3, then swim for an hour, then go eat as a team and discuss our goals for the year.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Not Enough Time to Get Where I Want to Go
I'm just a novice, and just doing these for fun. But also, I know most of the triathletes designate A B and C races.
I guess 3Sports/Shady Grove on 7/23/06 (my birthday) is my C race
IronGirl is my A race (but I wish I had more time to train for it)
and Sandman is my B race, that I'm doing just cause I have to, for me.
But the schedule doesn't really make any sense. I'm fighting some demons, and I know me, I'm looking for an excuse.
Yesterday was a great workout, 22 miles on the bike and 1 mile running, but also, it was the kind of workout that made me realize how far I have to go. Up on the Capital One extention at West Creek, I bottomed out on the hill at 8.8 mph. I know if I'm going to do IronGirl it needs to be 11 mph, not 8. And, on the 1 mile run, I had to take a break and walk for a while after 1/2 mile. I want to/need to do the things that will make me prepared for the IronGirl race. I'm just scared, and worried that there is not enough time.
But you know what? This is a process. And completing the IronGirl can be a goal for this year, and getting a great time and running 3 miles straight after that extrememly challenging technical bike can be a goal for next year too.
Mr. Preschool was so sweet yesterday. He told me that I had inspired him to bike and get fit. I think he sensed that I really could use some encouragement. He said he had never been more fit in his life, and I helped him do it. He said that he never thought he could be the type who was really strong or physically fit at something. I'm so proud of him, now that he is. He has been biking to work every day. His 40 mile Father's Day ride today, makes my 22 look like a cakewalk. I guess that explains why he is crashed on the couch sleeping while I'm up writing this.
We both mentioned not having examples in our parents for physical fitness. And how much harder that made things for us as kids. Especially when it came time for the Presidential Fitness test, which wrecked havoc in our school years.
Redfish is inspired too. He got so excited on Friday when I pulled up at a light next to a cyclist, It made his entire day, when the guy pulled up his shades, turned around and said "hi" to him.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I Belong
Just before her race, she wrote an entry about preparing for her Half Ironman race. So, the thing that stuck me is that she says to herself, I belong. I Belong here. When you don't look like everyone else, and you don't feel like everyone else and maybe you're even here for a different reason, it is so, so important to remember, I belong here. Because really anyone who can and wants to do the race belongs.
But, when your whole team orders race jerseys that match, and you just can't buy one because it would never fit, then, you feel like you don't belong. To fit the largest size tri top that Sugoi offers, a large, I would have to have a 30-32 in waist and be a 34C or 36B. Maybe if i quit breastfeeding Redfish and loose 50 lbs. ....
There is nothing like that to make you feel like you don't belong even if maybe you were feeling pretty good because you sucked it up and woke up at 5 am to run 5 miles this morning. Even if you did have to get there 15 minutes early so that you could finish in the same time.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Maybe that is what made me run upstair and change into my running clothes on my way out the door. Yes it added to the chaos temporarily, but gave me a release in the end.
Redfish, bless him, let me run. I drove Mr. Preschool's SUV to the Vita Course because the giant jogging stroller won't fit in my subcompact. It was a beautiful day, but I still couldn't believe how many folks were out walking. There were groups of 60- and 70-year-old African American men walking 8 across. A woman, who looked to be in her late 50's with an oxygen tank and a walker.
Redfish ate animal crackers. I ran. Redfish ate Letter Cookies. I ran. Redfish drank juice. I ran. He was done after 2 miles. But I wasn't going to let that be it. I had an idea to run the next 1/2 mile, go over to the park at the Carilon and let him play then run back and finish my last 1/2 mile. Only one problem, OK, two problems. I forgot his shoes and I forgot my water.
So, I let him play barefoot. And I had his last swig of backwashed warm juice as my water.
When we got to the playground the SEAL Team was jumping in and out of the fenced play area. I watched in amazement. One of the women said, you know you want to do it, go ahead. Most of them had gloves on to keep from tearing their flesh on any loose wire fragments of the fence top fringe.
Yeah, she was right, I wanted to do it. So, I did. It was fun. But Redfish loved it! Loved watching Mama jump. He cheered me on. He tried to climb the fence. He was so excited I did it 5 more times just for him. Each time was harder though, and by number 8, I was done. Now my knees are kiling me. What was I thinking? So much for the Seal team. I think I'll stick with triathlons.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
One Stroke at a Time
Since we were swiming in a 50 meter pool, that was alot less flip turns, alot less rest.
I just wish I hadn't whined so much when he announced our main set. I was visibly freaked when he told us we were to do them on the 8 and if we did we'd earn 60 seconds rest before the next one. The first one came in at 8:29, which was fine with me. I got to rest for 31 seconds and then kick out another 400 meters. Only problem was we kept getting a few seconds slower and by the time we were on no. 4, we had like 5 seconds rest before we started the last one.
But, I did it. And, it felt good. Yes, it was hard, but it will be easier next time.
And, maybe next time I'll have the courage to go on the 30 mile bike ride that follows.
One step at a time. One stroke at a time. I'm starting to get the hang of this. The more I do, the more I want to do. Maybe that is how we ended up with an Ironman.
Friday, June 02, 2006
The Visitation
I felt bad I couldn't stay for the funeral, since I only had someone watching Redfish for 30 minutes, but seeing that it was standing room only made me feel like I made the right decision. I wasn't close to Margie and there were so many people who were. Just being there was really moving, especially seeing all those folks who had only one thing in common -- that they loved her.
When I go, if people come together to remember me....make sure it is outside near nature. I've never been an inside kind of person.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I left Style in 1996 but since we lived only a block from each other, I'd see her quite often, even after I left Style. The last time I saw her was just a couple months ago. We ran into each other at Target, but we talked for almost 10 minutes, catching up. She was so sweet. Kept saying how beautiful my kids were. Talked to me about how things were at Style, 10 years after I left.
Margie was only 41 and her kids are not much older than Daisyhead Maisy. This has been a rough year.
I'm going to her visitation in a few minutes. I hope that I can tell her husband something that gives him comfort, but what can you really say to a man who lost the love of his life?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Can I Still Say it was a Good Race, Eventhough I got Passed by a Pregnant Lady?
But, today was my race, and he hasn't seen much of me today. I guess he's playing catch up.
I woke up at 4:19, anxious to get ready for my race, but decided that was a little too early. Went back to sleep just long enough to be woken by my alarm at 5. Tried to eat breakfast, but felt nausiated when I did. Just plain too early to eat.
Got to the race early enough to grab a spot in the parking lot. Forgot to drink my coffee. Set up my transition area, pumped a bunch of tires for teamates. Went back to the car to drink my coffee. Set off the car alarm --(no nerves here!) Checked my stuff in the transition area again. Good thing I did because folks kept coming and moving other folks bikes around -- that is so uncool. Went back to the car to drop off my extra stuff and the pump. Then took the leap of faith. I left my glasses in the transition area. Put my prescription goggles on (yes i looked like a nerd) and walked over to the pool area for the pre-race meeting.
Before the race started, I snuck into the bathroom one last time. The chick next to me was screaming, "where are my clothes? what did I do with my clothes?" Apparently she was going to change in the bathroom and left her clothes in the transition area, which was now closed. I told her to calm down, that we were all here for fun, that they would let her back in the transition area...Those words had just fallen from my lips when my goggle/glasses broke. I had to take some of my own advice as I tried to surpress the adrenaline and just fix them. My hands were shaking so much. I was worried I'd miss my swim start. I thought I was going to throw up.
Then, the race started. Things were Okay. I tried to do the flip turn under the lane line thing, but it just seemed so inefficient. Anyway, my swim time was only 5 seconds over my prediction, so I can't complain. Running with my goggles as glasses proved to be ok. I think I ran a little slow, because of my barefeet and not being able to see each rock I was stepping on, but that doesn't explain the 4-minute transition time. As I was running up on my bike rack I watched from 10 feet away as the guy next to me (who arrived late and squeezed his bike in where there wasn't really room) knocked over my bike, my helmet and my glasses came crashing down. "Nooooooooo!" I could hear myself yell, not that it did much good. I'm so used to not being able to even find my glasses when they fall, that I asked him to help me find them. Changing shirts was a really bad idea. I guess alot of things contributed to that really slow transition time.
The bike was great. Can I still say that eventhough I got passed by a pregnant lady? I passed her. She passed me. I passed her. She passed me. Then, she was gone. She beat me on the run too. I know, triathlon is an individual sport, but when you get passed by a prenant lady or a 12-year-old tells you "you can do it" as he flys by you up a hill, you have to stop and wonder.
My goal for the run was to get 37 minutes and something. Mr. Preschool just got me an Ironman 30 split/lap watch for Mother's Day. I thought I was so cool, timing my own splits. But it really made me worry when I wasn't keeping pace and I couldn't figure out how I could be going so slow. That's when I realized that they didn't place the water station at the 1 mile mark like they were supposed to. I think they must have put it about 1/2 a mile out from the start of the run. I was so worried I was going to miss my goal, and then, there I was sprinting to the finish line. I stoped my watch as I crossed: 37.28.68. I made my goal!
Am I allowed to be depressed all day and actually feel bad about this race becuase when my official time came up my run was 38.04? And, I felt like I hadn't pushed myself hard enough. I wasn't exhausted. I guess I'll just have to live and learn. It's only the first of 4 races this season.
Here are my stats. I came in 21st out of 24 females in my age group.
Place for swim 9 Time 6:02
Place for T1 23 Time 4:07
Place for Bike 5 Time 39:14 Average MPH 19.0
Place for Swim/Bike and T1 9 Time 49:22
Place for T2 24 Time 1:46
Place for Run 24 Time 38:04 Average MPH 12:16
Total Race Time 1:29:10
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I can't get away from it.....
Monday, May 22, 2006
Triathlonmom Comes Full Circle
Back during my first season with Triathlonmoms, we always would raise money for a great philanthropic cause. Kim Kredich, our fearless leader, has always been involved in advocacy for kids with special needs, and so that year, we raise money for Katie and Friends Playground. It would be the first playground of its kind: for kids who needed help walking, who had autism, who were in wheelchairs, and for kids with no special needs at all. It would be a place where they could all play together, without limitations and barriers. And, it was expensive to build.
As part of our fundraising efforts, we could donate money and get a tile that would be installed on the playground, and we could decorate it anyway we chose. For our family tile, we had Daisyhead Maisy place her handprints. She was only 2 so we could fit both hands, and we wrote her name.
The only thing was, when I went to the playground after the grand opening, there were plenty of tiles, but not ours. For months, I kept checking the tile towers, and not a one from Triathlonmoms was there. It was disapointing. But, I was so happy with the cause and the playground, I soon forgot.
This year, our team is renting poolspace for our Sunday swim, not far from the Katie and Friends Playground. It fact, we run on a gravel path from the pool over to the trails by the park for our 3 mile run before we swim. Most Sunday nights it is packed with kids and parents winding up their weekend. Filled with huge families, barbequeing or holding birthday parties. Last night, as I was running down the gravel path through the trees I noticed something new. There were 3 new towers on the playground. They were filled with tiles! I cut through the forest off the path, straight to the towers. I searched the first one with no luck. On the second one, a name caught my eye. Right above a smeary blob of blue was "Scout." Then I remembered -- Kim's dog, Scout.
I was so excited I ran around the metal fence of the park to the entrance to get closer to the tiles. I must have looked so strange racing through the playground, dodging kids to get to the towers, that were still roped of with caution tape becuase they hadn't yet been grouted.
I started at the top....Tish, Nate, Hugh....moved to Tennesse later that year. God I miss them. ...Oliver, Finn, Anne....Kim and Matt, Matt's giant hand overlapping Kim's....Ben, Miles, Coleman...Rachel and Theo. the names kept coming. It was like a time capsule of that summer that changed my life. The summer I discovered triathlons. Discovered that I could do something hard if I put my mind to it. That summer I discovered a whole team of amazing, inspiring women, all moms, dedicated to helping each other discover just how strong they are.
Then, at the very bottom, I saw Daisyhead Maisy's hands. So small and carefully placed.
It had been a long time coming, but it was worth the wait.
Running back to the pool, didn't seem so hard. That first summer raced through my head. The summer that set me free and taught me balance. My mind was filled with memories, and didn't have much room left to think about tired legs. That summer I learned that sometimes the best thing you can do for your family (and 2-year-old who is screaming "mama, mama don't go") is walk out that door. And come back after you've done just one thing for yourself.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A Wild and Windy Day
I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered that the swim at the ACAC tomorrow was cancelled. Actually, I was already awake, nursing RedFish. It was 2:30 a.m. and he kept waking up. I think he is working on his bottom eye teeth. I was happy to realize that I could sleep in without feeling guilty. And VERY happy that I didn't have to get my butt out of bed, drive to Southside and then realize that I was awake at an ungodly hour, in my swimsuit for no reason.
We met at 8 for a tire changing clinic, and then rode 18 very windy miles. When I came home I was complaining to Mr. Preschool about how the 1 mile run after sucked and about how I thought it was supposed to get easier. He kindly reminded me that it was only a week or two ago that I was proclaiming that it finally had gotten easier. I guess no two days are the same.
Maybe it was the wind? I had never ridden in wind like that, I was being blown all over the place. Anyway, at least now I'm prepared if it is windy on race day.
Seven days till the race. I know I'll be ready, but I have to remember that this is the first race of the season and I'll have more time to train. My goal for the July 23 3Sports race is to be able to run the entire 3.2 miles with no stopping, in under 35 minutes. For this race, i'd jump for joy at 37...something.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
National Folk Festival Line-up Announced
I just wish I could figure out a way to see them all! The festival is Oct 13-15 on Brown's Island and Tredegar. For more info go to their web site.
Here is the line up:
Chuck BrownInventor of “go-go” music
Affectionately known as the “Godfather of Go-Go,” Chuck Brown pioneered a musical blend of Latin beats, African call-and-response chants, rhythm and blues, and jazz that has been identified with Washington, D.C. for more than 40 years. Go-go in this case is not the popular music of the 1960s that inspired a dance and fashion craze, but rather a dance music and social scene deeply rooted in our nation’s capital. Likening Chuck Brown to another musical pioneer, Bill Monroe, ethnomusicologist Kip Lornell says that Brown “remains among the few 20th-century American vernacular musicians who clearly developed and shaped a musical genre from its infancy to a more mature state.”
Brown was born in North Carolina, but his parents moved to the District of Columbia when he was seven. He grew up listening to jazz and blues and took up playing the guitar. In the early 1960s, he began performing with a Latin-inflected pop band called Los Latinos. Brown eventually broke away to pursue his own artistic path and formed a group called the Soul Searchers. In 1971, they recorded “We the People,” said by many to be the first recording with the distinctive go-go sound. Brown’s 1978 album Bustin’ Loose with the #1 hit single of the same name spread this regional music to a national audience.
Go-go, as played by Chuck Brown, is quintessentially a spontaneous, live performance experience. Over several hours on stage in a crowded dance club the beat never stops. The interaction between Brown and his audience is an integral part of the performance, with call and response repartee between each song. The song may go on for five minutes or may be just a verse or two, depending on Brown’s whim.
Today, this sound is heard in clubs and dance halls, as well as on the playgrounds and street corners, of the nation’s capital. The music has a large international following and Brown spends much time touring Europe and Asia. In 2000, go-go music was featured at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, and Brown was presented with the District of Columbia’s Mayor’s Arts Award for his pioneering contributions to the music of the city. Last year Brown was honored with a National Heritage Fellowship award from the National Endowment for the Arts for his contribution to African American vernacular music.
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Kenny & Amanda Smith BandContemporary bluegrass
The Kenny & Amanda Smith Band combine tight harmony singing with brilliant instrumentation and compelling repertoire to forge one of the most exciting sounds in bluegrass today. The musical and romantic connection between its namesakes led to the band’s creation five years ago, followed by a rapid ascent to the first ranks of bluegrass music.
Kenny Smith, originally from Nine Mile, Indiana, is widely considered to be one of the finest flatpickers of his generation. A winner of numerous guitar contests, and two-time International Bluegrass Music Association Guitarist of the Year award winner, Kenny spent six years in the 1990s with the acclaimed Lonesome River Band after a two-year stint with Claire Lynch and the Front Porch String Band. In 1997 Kenny recorded a solo album, Studebaker, which showcased his songwriting talent and his wife’s soulful singing
Amanda was born in the small town of Davisville, West Virginia, and grew up singing in church choirs and talent contests at local fairs. She began playing guitar in high school and was attracted to bluegrass through female artists such as Alison Krauss, Claire Lynch and Rhonda Vincent. She met Kenny in 1995 at a Lonesome River Band concert and the two began playing music together shortly after that. At this point Amanda already had two solo CDs to her credit.
In 2001 Kenny and Amanda gathered some of their favorite musicians together and recorded their first CD, Slowly but Surely, which surged up the bluegrass charts on the strength of the hit song, “Amy Brown.” Two short years later the band won the IBMA’s prestigious Emerging artist of the Year award, and a second CD on the Rebel label, Always Never Enough, has cemented their reputation as one of the most exciting new bands in the genre.
In addition to Kenny and Amanda, the band features the fluid mandolin playing of Jason Robertson, from Giles County, Virginia. Robertson, who met Kenny at the world famous Galax Fiddlers’ Convention in southwestern Virginia, grew up surrounded by family members who played. The newest member of the group is 17-year-old banjo player Jason Davis from Ford, Virginia, an astonishing young talent.
Kenny and Amanda now make their home in Meadows of Dan, Virginia.
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Le Vent du NordQuebecois music, song and dance
Le Vent du Nord is recognized as one of the best traditional Quebecois music ensembles performing today. The group consists of step dancer and accordionist Benoit Borque, pianist and vocalist Nicolas Boulerice, fiddler Olivier Demers, and guitarist Simon Beaudry.
For more than three centuries the songs, tunes and dances brought to New France (Canada) by French immigrants in the 17th and 18th centuries have been passed down in the towns and villages of Quebec province at soirees and other family and community gatherings. When Canada became a British colony in 1763, these traditions were preserved in relative isolation in French-speaking communities throughout Quebec. While the songs and stories were passed down in the mother tongue, the tunes and dances were eventually somewhat influenced by the music of their Irish and Scots neighbors, evolving into a distinctive French Canadian body of music. Members of Le Vent du Nord recall the spirit and energy of this venerable tradition in every show by performing the old tunes and traditional chanson a respondre (call and response songs) that they learned from their families.
Benoit Borque, one of Canada’s finest step dancers, has been representing traditional Quebecois culture for over twenty years, through his step dancing, singing and story telling, and instrumental performances. Borque is a founding member of famed ensembles Eritage and Matapat, and is a former member of Ad Veille Que Pourra. Nicolas Boulerice grew up singing the family songs collected by his father. His passion for traditional music led him to travel and perform throughout Quebec and later to France and Ireland where he learned to play and make a European stringed instrument known as the hurdy gurdy (or in French, vielle à roue — “wheel fiddle”). Olivier Demers is an accomplished violin player trained in classical and traditional music who had toured with a number of groups including La Bottine Souriante, Montcorbier, and with Senegalese artist Musa Dieng Kala. Simon Beaudry was born in Saint-Côme, in the Lanaudière region of Québec that is recognized for the richness of its traditional songs and musical heritage. At 12 years old, Simon started to play the guitar and sing traditional Quebecois repertoire with his father and brothers.
In 2004, Le Vent du Nord won a JUNO award for Roots and Traditional Album of the Year/Group. They were also nominees for the 2004 FELIX Award for Traditional Album of the Year and the 2004 OPUS Award for Concert of the Year/Jazz and World Music.
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Mahotella QueensSouth African mbaqanga
Together for over 40 years, the Mahotella Queens are the most famous performers of the urban South African music known as mbaqanga. In the early ‘60s, the Queens - Hilda Tloubatla, Mildred Mangxola, and Nobesethu Mbadu - joined forces with the legendary Simon Nkabindé Mahlathini (the “Lion of Soweto”) and the Makgona Tsothle Band to create mbaqanga, a fusion of traditional South African tribal musics with marabi (a South African jazz form), blues, soul, and gospel.
"Mbaqanga" is the Zulu word for a kind of dumpling, implying the homemade quality of the music’s origin. It grew out of earlier styles that were the lifeblood of South Africa’s illegal township shebeens and dancehalls in the first half of the twentieth century. South African tribal musics, Zulu, Sotho, Shangaan and Xhosa, among others, were a vital part of the mix, along with pennywhistle kwela, sax jive, African choral music, and most notably, marabi. Marabi was a kind of African ragtime featuring piano, pennywhistle, banjo and drums with singers improvising staccato lines steeped in Zulu tradition.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens played beer halls and township dances in South Africa. Their original sound came to be dubbed the “indestructible beat of Soweto”, and their solid four-to-the-floor dance rhythm and soaring vocal harmonies came to embody the spirit of the oppressed peoples of the townships. They took a break in the mid-‘70s to raise families, but reunited with Malathini to tour in 1987 and took audiences in Europe and the U.S. by storm. Following the tragic death of Mahlathini and the dissolution of the Makagona Tsothle Band in 1999, the Mahotella Queens rallied and reinvented themselves, and are back in full swing with a national tour and a new CD titled Sebai Bai. In 2000, they received the second annual WOMEX (Worldwide Music Expo) Award, presented for outstanding contribution to world music. At the award ceremony, it was said that “the Mahotella Queens represent so much of what is the best in the music of South Africa: the finely honed art of passionate singing, the latticework of funky rhythms, and the breathtaking art of spectacular live performance.”
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The Quebe Sisters BandTexas fiddling
Three lovely, talented young fiddling sisters from Burleson, Texas are creating quite a stir. The Quebe sisters, Grace, Sophia, and Hulda, play and sing western swing, vintage country and traditional Texas fiddle tunes often in three-part harmony. Before any of them reached their teens, the sisters went to a fiddle contest near their hometown and fell in love with music. "I don't know why we do it," Grace says. "No one ever made us play together. And we all started at the same time so we're all at the same level." Now they are dedicated to playing the fiddle and learning about old-time music.
The Quebe sisters have all been Texas State Champion fiddlers, and each has won titles at the National Old-Time Fiddlers Contest in Weiser, Idaho Hulda won the title of National Junior-Junior Champion, and Grace and Sophia took first and second place, respectively, in the National Junior Championships.
Red Steagall was quoted in the Fort Worth Star Telegram as saying, "I think they're some of the most talented young people I've ever heard. Their tone is so true--they play so well together . . . People just stand around in awe when they play." The highlight of the girls' young careers to date was being invited by Nashville star Ricky Skaggs to perform as his guests at the 78th birthday celebration of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN. They also were showcased several times on WSM Radio in Nashville, as well as performing on the Ernest Tubb Midnite Jamboree.
Besides the Grand Ole Opry, the Quebe Sisters Band has performed at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth before the Duchess of York, on T-Bone Burnett's Great High Mountain Tour with Alison Krauss, at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, at the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, and opened for Ray Price and for Riders in the Sky. Recently the sisters recorded their first CD, titled Texas Fiddlers. The sisters are accompanied on guitar by their accomplished fiddle teachers, Joey and Sherry McKenzie, and by bass player Mark Abbott.
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Santiago Jiménez, Jr.Conjunto tejano
Santiago Jiménez, Jr. from San Antonio, Texas, is a singer, accordion virtuoso and bandleader of the first rank. He is one of the major figures in conjunto, a unique American regional music born in the valley of the Rio Grande along the Texas-Mexican border. A member of one of the “first families” of conjunto music, he is heir to a rich family tradition of button accordion playing. His grandfather Patricio Jiménez played the accordion, and his father, Santiago, Sr. became one of the seminal figures in the rise of the conjunto, virtually inventing the conjunto instrumental style, and was one of the first to make phonograph recordings, and appear on the radio in the 1930s. Santiago, Jr.'s older brother, tejano accordionist Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez, has become well known through his performances with country and western stars and popular music crossover groups.
Santiago Jiménez, Jr. has long preferred to model himself more closely on his father's lively melodic style, a style that is identified with the roots of the tradition. Conjunto (literally “group” in Spanish) is a lively dance music that began to develop in the late 19th century when German, Czech, and Polish immigrants introduced the button accordion into Mexican working class communities in southern Texas. By the early 1930s, the modern conjunto style emerged as a boisterous and distinctive Tex-Mex fusion that revolved around the sounds of the accordion and the bajo sexto, a 12-stringed guitar-like instrument that added a bass rhythm. Bass and drums were added later.
Santiago made his first recording in 1958 at the age of seventeen, with his brother Flaco, entitled El Príncipe y el Rey del Acordeón (The Prince and the King of the Accordion). Since then, he has made over sixty recordings. Santiago Jiménez has toured widely throughout the United States and to Europe and the Americas -- including Russia, Great Britain, Spain, France, and Mexico.
In the contemporary world of tejano music, Santiago Jiménez, Jr. is seen as a standard bearer of deep conjunto tradition, a lively performer, and a man of great humor and wit. He has been honored with two Grammy nominations and was awarded a National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts in 2000 for his contributions to the tradition of conjunto music.
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The SkatalitesJamaican ska
The members of the Skatalites are living legends of Jamaican music, founding fathers of the modern Jamaican sound. Four decades ago the group virtually invented ska, the upbeat dance music that spawned rock steady and reggae, and inspired three waves of British and American ska revivalists. A triumphal 1983 reunion performance at the Reggae Sunsplash festival led the group to reform themselves on a permanent basis in 1986. For nearly twenty years, the modern incarnation of this legendary band has brought classic ska to audiences around the world. Billboard has called the group ". . . Jamaica’s supreme instrumental band,” and Rolling Stone’s description is: “The Skatalites – Jamaica’s answer to the Motown house band and Booker T. and the MG’s combined.”
The ska style began to emerge in the mid-1950s along with Jamaica’s fledgling recording industry. The Skatalites were a group of Jamaica’s top session musicians who had played together in various groupings for years, both on the resort circuit and in the studio. While not really setting out to do so, their fusion of mento (a Jamaican folk style with similarities to calypso), New Orleans R&B, jazz, jump blues and Afro-Cuban rhythms created ska, the first uniquely Jamaican popular music. Characterized by jazzy solos over a galloping rhythm section, ska featured lots of horns (saxophones, trumpets, trombones). Its rhythms are distinctive, easily recognized by the sharp accents on the offbeat (the second and fourth beats in 4/4 time). Ska was an immediate hit with the Jamaican public and later worldwide.
No other group from the formative years of Jamaican popular music has had as much influence as the Skatalites. Seminal recordings like “Guns of Navaronne,” “Addis Ababa,” “Silver Dollar,” “Phoenix, City,” “Corner Stone,” and “Blackberry Brandy” to name just a few, created a new genre that defined Jamaican music throughout the 1960s, and was the island’s premier musical export. It’s impossible to overestimate the Skatalites’ place in modern Jamaican musical history. Ska, rock steady, reggae, it all began with the Skatalites.
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Yuqin Wang & Zhengli XuChinese rod puppetry
For more than 2,500 years, master puppeteers in China have entertained and instructed audiences young and old with their strikingly lifelike rod puppets. The traditional puppet stories, which feature both animals and humans, often include social or moral lessons about kindness, hard work, bravery and patience, much like Aesop's fables. Other tales, for instance the popular "clever monkey" stories, have similarities to trickster tales told all around the world.
While its appeal is universal, the rod puppetry tradition is uniquely Chinese, a respected art form that can be dated back to 581 B.C. The puppets, which can weigh up to ten pounds and stand two or three feet tall, are capable of subtle and highly realistic movement. Each is mounted on a central rod, which allows the puppet to be held high above the puppeteer, with thinner rods allowing the master to manipulate the character's limbs. Puppet makers in China often spend time watching animals in their natural habitat or in the zoo to be certain that they understand the animal and its movements completely before building a puppet.
Yuqin Wang and her husband and fellow performer, Zhengli "Rocky" Xu, were both leading puppeteers with the famous Beijing Puppet Theater. They founded their own puppetry troupe when they came to Oregon from China in 1996. In their first year, the group was invited performers at the Atlanta Summer Olympics; now they share the beauty and excitement of Chinese rod puppetry with audiences throughout the country. In 2004, Yuqin Wang and Zhengli Xu were named National Heritage Fellows, this nation's highest honor for folk and traditional artists.
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