Thursday, March 08, 2007

Triathlonmom Discovers Google Analytics

I am not a techie. Please don't tell anyone, but I'm winging this whole blogger thing. I love what computers can do and how they make my life so much easier and enjoyable. I love my new bloggy friends and the connections I've made in the triathlon-blogger universe...but I hate writing code. Maybe if it was multiple choice I'd like it better.
I was checking out Ellie's new photo banner and admiring her html skills -- although she remains humble. Maybe if I wasn't so shy about photos in the first place I would ask her to show me how she did that!
There's been alot of conversation on local Richmond blogs about connecting communities through blogging, a blogger's summit, blog referrals from RVA blogs, and blog statistics. That got me thinking.....and a few weeks ago I asked (the highly computer savvy) Mr. Preschool if he knew how I could view the number of people who have been viewing my blog. He said to add you know, an old fashioned page counter thinggy. I knew I didn't want to do that....and then...along comes a post saying that my buddy, John Sarvay, over at Buttermilk and Molasses, gets 18 percent of his hits via RVAblogs. How the hell does he know that, I thought....hmmmm.
After more investigation I found out that there is this thing called Google Analytics. That weirdly lets you spy on...I mean track your readers. For example, I found out that 23 percent of my hits come from my good Trigirl friend, Trigirl40's site and just over 15 percent come from (presumably) other Trigirls who link to me through the site. I also saw that I have the fewest visits on Saturdays.....which makes sense since it seems my entire readership is out running half mile repeats, and sitting in the saddle for 2 hours, running 10 or so miles...and otherwise getting their "brick" on.
So, if you've ever wondered about your blogging readership, check out Google Analytics. And if you figure out how to use all of it's features...please email me and explain it.

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