Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daisyhead Maisy the Geologist

The Virginia College Savings Plan recently held a poster contest called, "Drawing Your Dreams." The grand prize was a complete scholarship for 4 years of in-state tuition -- worth about $36,000.
Daisy was a finalist, drawing a self portrait out in the field with a shovel and a pick. In a font, she created out of different colored pebbles, she wrote, "I Dig Rocks." I think it was a close contender for first place (but maybe that's just because I'm biased). There were over 1,200 entries for Kindergarten and over 11,000 entries overall. Her consolation prize was $250 in her Virginia Education Savings Trust account, pretty good for a 6-year-old.
I hope we see the art again...they said they can't give it back to us, but maybe they'll make note cards or a calendar with it.
Regardless, I'm proud of her for having a dream and for drawing it! The winners' art is pretty incredible....including the kindergarden entry who beat her....drawing in cursive.


Melissa said...

that's fabulous, daisyhead! way to go!

Anonymous said...

As one who can barely draw a stick person, this is so impressive to me!


Diane said...

Go, Daisy! That's awesome! She is a girl of many talents, just like her mommy. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your daughter! My daughter was a finalist (not top winner) too and I stumbled upon your blog when searching to see if anyone had blogged about it. Hope that $250 has some serious growth over the years :-)