Monday, September 15, 2008

Sandman Triathlon Photos, Redfish's 4th Birthday

The night before the race, granting Redfish's wish -- to ride in a surry we pedaled -- he road in front like a king, watching it all and waving. Totally ruined my legs for raceday but it was worth it!! he he.

I had a great swim. Was finally able to stay focused the entire time.

This year, both kids got to run me in!

And, back in the ocean at the end! One of the many great things about Sandman. The support out there was amazing. Thanks for everyone who cheered me on -- on the bike and the run!

1 comment:

Paul Taylor said...

Triathlon Mom,

Congrats on the Sandman. I used to live in Va Beach in the early '90's, loved it there! I'm now land locked in CO, but no humidity!

If you have a moment, please check out my blog . My wife and I started a business last year targeting triathlon supporters (primarily kids), selling signs, t-shirts, etc...basically started as a way to get our sons, 3 and 5, involved on race day. Check it out, consider us for next year (or holiday gift), tell a friend and maybe a link / story on your blog? Checkout this Triathlon Mom design.

Thanks for your consideration and keep tri'n.