Thursday, August 02, 2007

Feeling Fast

Last night when I went to bed I was sure I wasn't going to run today. I've just been feeling like taking a little vacation from training. And I finally managed to convince myself that would be ok right about now. For the past couple of nights I've been so wiped out -- asleep by 9 for no apparent reason. And then I'll keep sleeping until 6 or 6:30. It's crazy! I keep wondering what is wrong with me. Since I still lacked a reason, just figured I needed a little break.

Which is why I was completely shocked when after staying up until 10 p.m. last night, I woke up at 5 a.m. with no alarm clock. I was wide awake. No way I was getting back to sleep! "I might as well run then," I thought. And, when I got there 10 minutes early, I said, "Well I might as well get a mile in before everyone else gets here" And surprisingly, that is how I was able to run 4 miles and call it a good workout too. Yes it was hot. Yes it was hard. But still, today I didn't feel slow or like a slug. Today I felt fast. And sometimes that is all it takes to have a good workout (even if fast is only relatively speaking).


Softball Scout said...

congrats on the great run! i totally need running motivation like that. are you still doing the patriot aquabike?

TriGirl 40 said...

You gave your body what it needed - and it rewarded you in turn. As it should be!